Tuesday, October 11, 2011


I'm currently taking a journalism class that focuses on international media.  My professor showed us this short film, Logorama, that I found to be absolutely amazing and had to share it with you on the Syndicate

Logorama is a French animated short film created by H5, Francois Alaux, Herve de Crecy, and Ludovic Houplain.  The short film is depicted in Los Angeles and is composed of 2,500+ logos and mascots.  It's amazing to see and realize that everything in the film is made of logos, not a single object or person is left out.

What's is also interesting is how this was created by French animators and directors, yet it is very relevant and easy understood by Americans and others worldwide.  First, many American companies are known worldwide and their logos being a unifying force.  It's amazing to sit back and see how much of the US has influence on the global economy and branding.  There's probably more than I recognized, but there is a lot less foreign brands that are unrecognizable to US audience, such as the Esso Girl (mascot of international gasoline company owned by ExxonMobil). 

The other factor that makes it so relatable is it's typical Hollywood crime/Quentin Tarantino type plot, acting, and dialogue.  The US film industry is a large portion of our country's GDP and has an enormous impact worldwide. Everyone's seen these types of films around the world, and coupled with popular brands, makes it all around relevant worldwide.  

Logorama has won many awards including the Kodak Discovery Award for Best Short Film at the Kodak Prix in 2009 and Academy Award for Best Animated Short in 2010.  It also opened the Sundance Film Festival in 2010, and shown at the 2009 Cannes Film Festival.

Here's a link to Logorama on Vimeo--I hope you enjoy!

Author: Christopher

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