Sunday, October 2, 2011


Christopher here, and I figured I'd give you a little info about myself.  I'm 20 years old and a student studying fashion merchandising.  I've always been really creative and into art since I was little.  I've always loved clothing and fashion.  Growing up, my best friend's family owned a clothing company, and my best friends sisters both worked as designers and buyers for a well known clothing company.  I guess through them I was inspired to pursue fashion as a career.  I love fashion marketing, advertising, and public relations, and hope to pursue a career in these fields one day.

My Top 3 Fashion Inspirations:

1) Kelly Cutrone

If you're not familiar with Kelly Cutrone, you should be.  She is a fashion publicist and CEO of her fashion PR agency, People's Revolution.  She's been featured on MTV's "the Hills" and "the City," and had her own Bravo TV show about her company "Kell On Earth."  She's known for being brutally honest and a tough cookie, but at the same time super caring and protective of those who work for her.  Now yes, I'm obsessed with a television personality, but if you ever get a chance to read her two autobiographical "self help" books, If You Have To Cry, Go Outside and Normal Gets You Nowhere, you'll learn that she's lived on intuition and has worked her a** off to get to where she is.  I actually had the opportunity to meet her this past May at her book signing.  Contrary to belief she's actually super caring and nice!

2) New York City
Anyone who knows me knows that I LOVE New York City.  I've traveled to NY a couple times and find the people, the food, the energy, and the fashion inspiring.  I hope to move there one day-preferably once I graduate!  

3) London
Unfortunately I've never been, but I find London, particularly their street fashion, very inspiring.  Every London fashion blog, and every friend of mine from London or that has traveled there can all say that Londoners have mad style.  Maybe it's because Europe's a couple months ahead of the US in terms of fashion, but they dress in a way that is very unique and very rare on the streets of LA or even NY for that matter. 

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